The 15 most significant loudspeakers of all time
With an updated version still in production today, the LS3/5A has stood the test of time as few other speakers have.
Rogers LS3/5A Classic demonstrated at KL International AV Show
A great time was had by all who visited and listened to the Rogers LS3/5A Classic speakers
Rogers is now on Facebook
Be sure to follows us on Facebook and chat with music lovers and fans of Rogers products from all over the world.
Rogers products are now available from UK Specialist Retailer, SIX Audio
Rogers products are now available from UK Specialist Retailer, SIX Audio
Rogers LS3/5A Classic speakers in a beautiful olive finish
We thought we’d share some photos with you of our LS3/5A Classic speakers in a beautiful olive finish
Rogers latest speaker, the NEW LS5/9 Classic is just a few weeks away from release, and we cannot wait to share it with you
Rogers latest speaker, the NEW LS5/9 Classic is just a few weeks away from release and we cannot wait to share it with you
The NEW Rogers e20a Integrated Amplifier nears completion
Redesigned from the ground up, Rogers NEW E20a Integrated Amplifier is nearing completion and is going to raise the performance bar once again.
Rogers LS3/5A Classic 15 Ohm review in Hi-Fi News July 2019 Issue
3 page review in Hi-Fi News July 2019 Magazine for the LS3/5A Classic 15 Ohm speakers
Rogers LS3/5A Classic 15 Ohm review in high end hong kong audio journal - Audiophile
9 page review in Audiophile Magazine for the LS3/5A Classic 15 Ohm speakers
Taking something that's great and making it even better
It has been a true labour of love to take something great and make it even better
Rogers LS5/9 grade one monitor loudspeaker
The wait is nearly over for the beautiful BBC licensed LS5/9 grade one monitor loudspeaker from Rogers
Pictures from Munich High End Show 2019
A very big thank you to everyone who visited us at the Show.