Some shots of the exciting NEW Rogers E20a/ii being built
We thought we would share some beautiful new pictures of the E20a/ii being built in the UK
NEW specialist stands for the LS3/5A and LS5/9 speakers coming soon
If you want the very best performance from LS3/5A or LS5/9’s, these are arguably the ultimate stands
Rogers latest speaker, the NEW LS5/9 Classic is just a few weeks away from release, and we cannot wait to share it with you
Rogers latest speaker, the NEW LS5/9 Classic is just a few weeks away from release and we cannot wait to share it with you
The NEW Rogers e20a Integrated Amplifier nears completion
Redesigned from the ground up, Rogers NEW E20a Integrated Amplifier is nearing completion and is going to raise the performance bar once again.
Taking something that's great and making it even better
It has been a true labour of love to take something great and make it even better